Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Online Learning in K12 and Beyond with Courtney Kofeldt

On this episode, I Zoom in Courtney Kofeldt and we chat about online learning in K12 Education.

is the Supervisor of Educational Technology at PA Leadership Charter School. A K-12 cyber and blended learning environment. As a Supervisor of Educational Technology,  she utilizes her background in both education and technology to bring a unique vision to PALCS and its programs.  During her time in the position, PALCS has jumped into social media, adopted Google Apps for Education and added another LMS, Canvas in addition to Moodle. She helped spearhead the iPALCS (iPad) program which put 2:1 devices into the hands of K-5 and 9th grade students at PALCS.

Courtney has also presented at many conferences most recently at ISTE, iNacol, PETE and C and K12 Online. She is also a Nearpod PioNear, Google Certified Educator (Level 2), and an Alpha Squirrel. She was recently selected as a Next Generation Leader. This was awarded to me by CoSN and Edscoop. The award annually recognizes emerging K-12 school system technology leaders from across the country. She is extremely passionate and inspired by what technology can do for education, and how it can prepare students for the future and make them the problem solvers of today!

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