Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Call with Ahyiana Angel

On this episode, I hangout with Ahyiana Angel of and we chat about people answering the call to live their best lives. 

Ahyiana is an and the Switch, Pivot or Quit host, affectionately known to many as the Chief Encourager. However, by design, Ahyiana is a . Creator of a buzz worthy jewelry line featured by Vogue magazine and worn by Pop Icon BeyoncĂ©, creator of a debut novel worthy of traditional publishing, and creator of a stellar career in publicity having worked with one of the top sports entertainment leagues, the National Basketball Association (NBA). Ultimately, one of her proudest accomplishments is creating an environment where others find encouragement as a result of her positive energy, skill, and fearless attitude. 

 is a seasoned executor who eventually blocked out the world’s ideas of success, quit her highly coveted position at the NBA, moved to London and traveled the world for a stint, then followed her passion in writing to find her purpose in encouragement. Mastering the art of note-worthy ideation, Ahyiana taps into her more than 12 years of professional business marketing experience to lend her thoughts on professional development, digital marketing, contemporary brand styling, personal development and more.

In addition to her extensive professional background, Ahyiana has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing from California State University, Long Beach. 

She has been featured on Essence.com, xoJane.com, , Ebony.com,  and Travel Noire among others. 

This girl loves traveling. From frolicking in the Caribbean sands to embarking on new cultural adventures in Morocco, Ahyiana lives for exploration.

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