is a recognized UDL Expert and Digital Learning Consultant with over 28 years experience in using technology in the classroom. Kathleen is a frequent international, national and regional workshop presenter on topics that include Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Technology for Diverse Learners, and Math and Technology: Bringing Research to Practice. In 2007, she was awarded a three-year NH Math and Science Partnership grant for the “Science4All” project, applying UDL principles in the science classroom. In 2009, designed and directed the Tools for Learning Math Intervention Project where tools were applied to UDL researched-based instruction in math. In late 2009, she became the professional development director of three ARRA technology funded projects in NH to create 21st Century Classrooms. In all of these projects, Kathleen developed Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and a UDL lesson design structure for project teachers to support the learning of all students.
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