Monday, August 24, 2015

The Dr. Will Show - Digital Leadership with Dr. Katrina Keene

On tonight's episode, I chat with Dr. Katrina Keene about digital leadership.

, Director of Innovation and Instructional Technology, has spent the last 15 years in the K-12 technology education field and enjoys researching and integrating new technologies into classrooms. Her most recent experience as the Director of Innovation at a College Preparatory School, was dedicated to raising student achievement through technology integration. Her love for education is driven by her focus and awareness of effective classroom technologies.

is a Remind Connected Educator, Class Dojo Ambassador, Nearpod PioNear, Osmo Ambassador, Book Creator Ambassador,  and can be found in several well known EdTech publications.

’s passion for technology and education is strengthened through the phenomenal educators she works with every day. She believes teachers and administrators are dedicated professionals who strive to educate the entire student and prepare them for a technologically advanced world.

1 comment:

  1. I love her suggestion about choosing specific tools that will make a difference. I call it 'curating'- many of our instructors and staff members will ask about different tools they have heard of, and we encounter a variety of tools in conversations with colleagues at other schools. There is a need, however, for an Innovation Officer (a Center for Online Learning & Innovation, in my case) to be a curator of the best options for their instructors, courses, and school. Another key topic in innovation is cost. In #highered, we have dwindling enrollment, cuts in state and federal funding, and dips in donations--- yet the costs of higher education-specific technology keeps rising. Curation becomes even more important- being able to select vendors who are not profiting on what will become student debt, just because it is the industry norm.
