Monday, August 19, 2013

Peoplegogy TV: Interview with Tracy Brisson

I interview author, recruiter, and educational consultant,Tracy Brisson, We talk about her latest book:

More info on Tracy:

Tracy Brisson is the Founder and CEO of The Opportunities Project, a national talent development, career coaching, and recruitment consulting agency. Since opening its doors in 2010, The Opportunities Project has helped over 1,000 individuals reach career success through speaking engagements, workshops, and one-on-one and group coaching, and helped organizations hire nearly 500 new team members through its consulting services.


  1. You two discussed having a knish I believe is what you called it. I agree with that because it would help you stand out much like using a different colored paper if you was handing it in to the person. But, wouldn’t it really depend on your explanation of it on the resume, or is that something you would have explain in person? What about maybe doing an audio resume if that makes since? How would that look to a recruiter or a principal? I mean I like doing things different and by putting my own spin on things would that help me stand out. I think it would be interesting if when you opened up the email instead of seeing a cover page and then have to read everything you get a song that makes sense and you can understand the words. I think it would definitely be more energetic than the rest.

  2. Wow, I really enjoyed watching this video. As a college student majoring in Education this video really helps to know what to do when it comes time for applying for jobs. Thank you!

  3. This video was awesome! This time next year I will be hunting for a teaching job and I will certainly need to spruce up my old resume. As an Alternative Masters student (my degree is in Biology with a Related Sciences minor) I found the tip to list my education before my experience teaching very helpful. I actually just purchased this book about five minutes ago from Amazon. Thank you again for sharing such helpful information!
