Monday, July 8, 2013

Peoplegogy TV: Your One Sentence

Streamed live on Jul 8, 2013
Peoplegogy TV: Your One Sentence

This is the first episode of Peoplegogy TV, which is a show dedicated to discussing how educators can become their best selve.

In this episode, I was joined by Jerry "Cybraryman" Blumengarten and Jaime Vandergrift.

You can connect with Jerry on Twitter at: and view his blog at:

Jamie can be found on Twitter at:. You can also check out her page at: 


  1. Dr. Will Deyamport, III,

    I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed watching the first episode of Peoplegogy TV. I have never thought about finding a sentence that defines me before watching this episode. I am excited to start the search for my sentence and what I am suppose to do with my life. I can't wait to see what the next episode will cover.

  2. Haley,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate you leaving a comment as well. I am really big into mission statements, personal branding, and other methods for individuals to define who and what they are.

    The one sentence exercise is interesting because it makes one encapsulate everything they want into one single sentence.

    I hope you continue to check out the new content posted here.

    Thanks again,

    Dr. Will

  3. After listening to you and Mr. Blumegarten and Mrs. Vandergrift’s discussion. I have really become excited to find out what my knish and my sentence might be. I’ve always been energetic and out spoken no matter the topic but I wonder if that could also be my downfall as to what people might think of my approach on things. I’ve never really done the twitter or blog stuff so it is all new to me I have a Facebook. My husband uses it strictly to talk to his family since he lives so far away from them. So the whole social media stuff is new to me and very hard to understand. How can using this stuff become easier and useful to help me in my career and in life? But i am looking forward to finding all i can about myself not only as a person but as a teacher as well.

  4. Hello my name is Chelsea Hadley and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed watching your one sentence video. I think it is important to have that one sentence that helps you describe who you are. I am glad I got to experience your blog. Thank you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello!

    It is me again,Chastity Westry, a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I thought this video was very interesting. I am always up for new ways to better myself as an educator. I believe as an educator you should be able to define yourself. Finding a sentence to define myself and passion was an assignment this semester in EDM 310.I found this very interesting and actually a bit time consuming. Before that assignment, I had never really described myself or even thought about it. It helped me gain confidence in myself and passion. Also, the assignment made me aware of who I was and what I wanted to become. Thank you for sharing this discussion.

  7. Hello Dr. Will,
    This is Larry Harbin from EDM 510 at the University of South Alabama. As a new educator I am excited about gaining the experiences and professional growth that will help me define my "one sentence". This video was very informative and in the future, I think I would be interested in becoming an Apple Distinguished Educator. Thank you for sharing this video discussion!
