Dreams are part of us! We all have dreams but not all of us believe that there are achievable.
We all had dreams when we were kids but those dreams start to vanish, as we get older and learn about “limitations”. That’s when we start to say that dreams are for kids!
We’ll if that were true, Walt Disney may have never had created all his magical characters that bring so much joy to our lives, or Steve Jobs may never believed he could change the world working from his parents garage.
So yes dreams are possible! But it’s up to us to believe in them again and share them with the world.
When you believe in yourself and your dreams, the whole world will!
Our dreams must come from our hearts and not from ego. And what I mean by that is dreams as life itself have always two paths in this, they are EGO or HEART.
An example of someone having a dream coming from EGO could be: “I want to become rich so I can have collections of Luxury Automobiles so I may show them off to all my friends” that’s a simple but clear example of a dream that comes from EGO.
Dreams that come from your heart are dreams based on making a difference, helping people (including our families) and adding something positive to society.
So it’s very important to know where our dreams come from. If you’re not sure which place does your dream come from then ask yourself if your dream can make a difference in someone else’s life, that simple shift will give the passion and strength to keep on going no matter what lies ahead.
Another quality to focus on is PERSEVERANCE. That word needs to be written on your forehead! Let’s be clear…I’m not talking about getting a tattoo but, just keep that word as your daily reminder when obstacles appear because they will. And when those obstacles come, remember the words from Winston Churchill “NEVER NEVER GIVE UP”.
When obstacles appear learn from your mistakes and keep on moving forward towards your dream!
It is very important to keep your mind open and be able to REINVENT YOURSELF if it’s necessary. Sometimes changes need to be made. We may start with an idea but that idea is not working so tweak it until it does.
NO PLAN B! Yes you heard that right! If you start following your dream with a plan B, it’s like getting married and have a girlfriend on the side in case the marriage doesn’t work. Can you imagine the result of that marriage? Well the same goes for your dreams if you have a plan b, you’ll never put all the guts that it takes to make it happen!
BYE BYE NEGATIVITY! Alienate negative people and thoughts from your life and mind! You don’t need to have daily reminders of all the bad things that can go wrong. Only surround yourself with people that support you and believe in you!
Tell the people around you that you gladly accept positive criticism to grow and perfect out whatever you are doing but do not accept negativity! Those are two very different things and you need to know how to differentiate them.
It’s also very important to remember that “It’s not the destination but the journey that matters” so enjoy every single second of the journey, both the good and the bad. Those moments are building something essential in yourself; they are building you to be the person capable of achieving their dreams!
About the author: brings a whimsical and vibrant element to art, combining her Latin roots with an eclectic sensibility. After receiving a Master's degree in Marketing, Isa decided to move to Miami to pursue her passion for art.
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