Saturday, August 27, 2011

iBio: Will Deyamport

By Will Deyamport, III, MSEd

The iBio series is where people share their stories, their lives. I wanted to create a series focused on how people are succeeding or failing on their own terms - how they meet the challenges in their lives as well as the dreams they have for themselves.

Will Deyamport, III, MSEd is a teaching and learning scholar-practitioner and online content creator with more than 11 years of experience in course and workshop design, program development, and experiential learning. In addition, he is the founder of, and he is a thought-leader with a keen eye for innovation, trends, and the educational applications of digital and social media. You can find Will on as well as on and .


  1. That was a real open-minded outlook on education!

  2. Bill,

    Thanks. I am not a K-12 teacher. For me, education is about changing people's lives. And I see no better way to do it than making education open, personal, interactive, and collaborative.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and thank you for leaving a comment.
