Saturday, August 20, 2011

iBio: Mary Beth Hertz

By Mary Beth Hertz

Welcome to the second installment of the iBio series. The iBio series is where people share their stories, their lives. I wanted to create a series focused on how people are succeeding or failing on their own terms - how they meet the challenges in their lives as well as the dreams they have for themselves.

Mary Beth Hertz is a Technology Teacher in North Philadelphia. She blogs at and can be found on Twitter as .


  1. Thank you for sharing, MB! I'm heading into work tomorrow to help orient new faculty, and this was a great and timely reminder of why we do what we do. :)

  2. Thanks, Karen. It was a nice reminder for me as well! Have a great time back with the staff. Hope to be able to make it to edcamp NYC!

  3. MB,

    Thanks for doing an iBio. It was awesome hearing about your story and where you are going. Hope to meet you in person this year.
