Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reinvention: Define Who You Are

by Will Deyamport, III, MSEd

Branding Strategist and Reinvention Specialist, Robin Roffer says "Reinventing yourself is not about blowing up everything you ever were in your life or career and completely starting over. It’s about building on your passions, strengths, talents and past successes to redefine you in a fresh new way."

At my core, I am an educator. No. I don't mean in terms of reading, writing, or education in the traditional sense. I am the kind of educator who aims to inspire, empower, encourage, and impart onto individuals the tools, knowledge-base, and skills necessary to live their best lives. Strip away the superlatives and what I do is about getting individuals excited about their lives.

I am no Tony Robbins or Dr. Wayne Dyer. I am more of a strategic planner or thought leader - a recruiter and a net-worker. I like to think of myself as a Digital Thinker or a curator of ideas, experts and dynamic educators whose subject area knowledge far exceeds my own.

No matter happens of which direction I take, I know that digital and social media will be apart of what I do.

Robin Roffer has a 4 step plan for reinventing one's self. Over the next few months, I will be working through the remaining steps and blogging about it. I hope you continue this journey with me. Feel free to ask questions along the way.


  1. Will, This is marvelous. I love that you are going to blog about and do the 4 steps and share your journey with others. You are on your way my friend. Shine on, Robin

  2. Hi Will,

    Love your focus and insight into knowing who you are and having a vision for sharing your talents. I'm looking forward to reading about your journey! All the best to you.

  3. Helen,

    Thank you. The conversation I had with you started me to really rethink my path. I spoke with the career counselor at Capella and we further discussed the plan of conducting informational interviews. But, what made my decision was reading an article about TED in Fast Company magazine. Everything became crystal clear, and I knew what path I need to walk.
